We are looking for volunteers to become a Lector, Sacristan
5:30 p.m. Mass
weekday Masses
Eucharistic Ministers & Altar Servers
Both Youth and Adults
Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Mass
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Masses
Volunteers to join the watering committee
(watering the outdoor plants).
Volunteers needed to help vacuum the Church
Fridays after Mass.
If you’re interested in any of the volunteer areas that are listed, please contact the parish office and we will gladly pass your information on to the person in charge of the assignments and have them contact you.
Thank you in advance for volunteering!
God Bless!
please contact the parish office at (586)939-7500.
If you would like to take the opportunity to be still and listen to God, we have a need in our chapel
Uncommitted Hours:
Wednesday 2pm
Friday 9am
We are also in need of a second adorer for almost every hour thereby making less the need for a substitute.
Please call Mary Peterson to sign up at (586)979-1469 or (586)738-1154.